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Mateus The Original Rosé 750ml

Mateus dates back to 1942, when Fernando Van Zeller Guedes had the idea of creating a wine with a strong personality and unique flavour, presented in an original and innovative bottle. Mateus soon became an iconic brand and the first wine to attain true global fame.

Maude Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Quintessentially Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc with gooseberry, lime peel and passionfruit aromas and flavours. Our fruit is sourced from selected vineyards throughout the Wairau Valley, allowing us to combine fruit with the total spectrum of aromas and flavours that Sauvignon Blanc has to offer.

Maude Pinot Gris 750ml

Quince, musk and rose petal florals - textural and fuller bodied from partial fermentation in seasoned oak barrels.

McGuigan Single Batch Project Dry Rosé 750ml


Mischief Pinot Gris 750ml

There is plenty of fruit here, with pear juice and apples dominating the rustic complexity. A rich fruit salad palate, some zesty acidity, and a touch of sweetness makes this wine positively jump out of the glass.

Mischief Riesling 750ml

The Riesling has a lifted nose of lime juice, honey and lemon tea. A touch of sweetness on the palate is balanced by some tangy acid and funky complexity, giving way to an exciting finish, that jumps around in your mouth for longer than you would think possible.

Misha's Vineyard Dress Circle Pinot Gris 750ml

Off-dry in style and showing classic varietal notes of pear, red apple, cinnamon and lifted sweet floral aromatics, the palate has a complex blend of jasmine, nectarine and ginger with notes of mint and lime." - Olly Masters (Winemaker)

Misha's Vineyard Limelight Riesling 750ml

This medium-dry Riesling has classic aromatics of lime, citrus and flint with a refreshing lemon acidity, perfectly balanced by notes of sweet wild thyme honey. " Olly Masters (Winemaker)

Misha's Vineyard The Soloist Pinot Rosé 750ml

Intensely aromatic with an array of fruits including cranberry, raspberry, watermelon and strawberry, this dry Rosé has a fresh but gentle palate which lingers with hints of anise." - Olly Masters (Winemaker)

Misha's Vineyard The Starlet Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

With attractive aromas of sweet lime and passionfruit along with notes of liquorice, blackcurrant and mango, this wine has bright citrus acidity but a gentle palate overall with lingering fruit sweetness." Olly Masters (Winemaker)

Mission Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

The aromas are complex and sweet, showing toasty stonefruit aromas with hints of tropical fruit and flinty notes. The palate is rich with a fine structure and up-front fruit and a long finish. The wine is textural and rich in style with a fine finish showing great persistence and freshness.

Misty Cove Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Misty Cove Estate Sauvignon Blanc is made to truly reflect their philosophy of producing a value for money wine with distinctive pure, wonderful fruit flavours and aromas typical of the Marlborough region.
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