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Bay and Barnes Block Shiraz 750ml

This Australian Shiraz from the Riverland winegrowing region in South Eastern Australia. This hot, dry winegrowing region is famous for ripe, generous, classic Aussie Shiraz with delicious sweet red berry flavours. Harvested at perfect ripeness, fruit was immediately processed at the winery and fermented on skins to maximise flavour and colour. Maturation in oak.

Beresford Grand Reserve Shiraz 750ml

This is the pure essence of McLaren Vale Shiraz - restrained but powerful, intense yet opulent. It has a deep plum colour and a distinctive regional aroma of red berry fruits, subtle vanilla and milk chocolate. The palate is round, rich and full, with complex blackberry, blackcurrant and mulberry flavour, with finely balanced tannins hat give the wine structure and longevity. The finish is rich, long and complex.

Brookfields Back Block Syrah 750ml

Bold and elegant, the Back Block Syrah has pepper, spice, plum, and succulent ripe tannins. The dark magenta colour immediately suggests it from a very good vintage and the flavours are ripe. The Back Block Syrah is one of Brookfields most popular wines - do enjoy!

Brown Brothers Patricia Shiraz 750ml

Displaying a concentrated palate of dark berry fruits with spice and pepper aromas. This beautifully bold wine embodies what the Brown Brothers winemaking team strive for in making quality Shiraz. The nose is ripe with aromatic blackberry with toasty oak, and hints of cinnamon and white pepper characters. The palate is intense and concentrated with great balance.

Cable Bay Waiheke Syrah 750ml

The warm embrace of stepping in out of the cold, sweet blackberry pie aromas filling the space - this wine embodies contentment. Black cherry, baking spice, earthy roast beetroot and Lavender aromas form an expressive, intense bouquet. The palate has lovely body, with juicy fruit and spice paving the way to great mouthfeel and sculpted tannin structure. It has great integration, even in its infancy, it's harmonious, the length prodigious.

Casillero del Diablo Shiraz 750ml

The first layer of aromas is highlighted with black forest fruits, predominantly blackberries and wild berries. Soon after the toasted notes of the barreling reveal a greater complexity, complemented with spiced notes, principally of pepper. On the palate, the tannins are firm from the outset and the fruit is mature.

Chapel Hill The Parson Shiraz 750ml

The Parson is a lively berry-scented drop with a hint of black pepper on the nose. Shiraz fruit floods the mouth with good depth and persistence, finishing dry and firm.

Chocolate Box Luxury Release Blue Label Shiraz 750ml

Aromas of dark berries, blackcurrant, dusty clove, vanilla spices, soft brown sugar and chocolate with a whisper of fruit cake and five spice. Dry on the palate with a core of toasty, baked red berry fruit flavours, medium acidity, moderate tannins and nuances of baking spices and chocolate.

Chocolate Box Shiraz 750ml

This wine showcases classical Barossa black fruit characters with dark chocolate flavours matured in a combination of French and American Oak barrels. Try with a sizzling BBQ steak.

Church Road Grand Reserve Syrah 750ml

On the nose, a core of dark berry fruit is overlaid with fragrant violet, rose, exotic spice and hints of cracked pepper whilst subtle, savoury oak adds complexity and a chocolate-like richness. The palate is full but finely structured with excellent persistence and focus coming from balanced acidity and ripe tannins.

Church Road McDonald Series Syrah 750ml

The McDonald Series wines are an expression of both their fruit and the vision of their namesake winemaker. An aromatic, textural Syrah with a core of rich berry fruit and dark plum, complimented by lifted floral notes, warm spice, liquorice and subtle oak. The palate is medium-weight and supple with a long finish. For quality reasons, this wine is unfined and unfiltered. Decanting is recommended.

Church Road Syrah 750ml

Church Road Syrah expressed the warm climate of Hawke's Bay perfectly with ripe plum, cherry and hints of spice. Complexity from it's time in Oak Barrels offers this wine profound texture, body and finesse. Suitable for any occasion and paired with red meats, pastas or to have with your next convivial moment shared with friends or family.
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