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Man O' War Dreadnought Syrah 750ml

Dreadnought Syrah is very classical in style, lifted red fruits with a dark edge of graphite and pepper along with savoury stem derived characters make for an intense and interesting aroma profile. The palate is very linear but vibrant carrying good weight and concentration but also a lively streak from the stem inclusion that makes the finish seem fresh and lithe.

McGuigan Estate Shiraz 750ml

This Shiraz is a rich and spicy, full-bodied wine that fills the mouth with blackberries and pepper. Enjoy with roast beef or the Australian classic, a BBQ.

McGuigan Gold Label Shiraz 750ml

Elevate golden moments with the McGuigan Gold Label range. A medium-bodied wine with lush forest berries, rich mocha notes and subtle spice balanced by soft, velvety tannins.

McGuigan Private Bin Shiraz 750ml

The Private Bin series has been inspired by the McGuigan family tradition to always share a special family wine with their guest. This Shiraz features delightful dark cherry and plum aromas integrated with some smoky vanillin characters and cinnamon from the oak. The wine has a good mouth feel with both cherry and plum flavours with a peppery spice.

McGuigan Single Batch Project Shiraz 750ml


McManis Family Vineyards Estate Grown Petite Syrah 750ml

The Petite Sirah from McManis Family Vineyards is vivid purple in colour, with aromas of full toned Blackberry and Boysenberry. Caramel and Toffee are evident in the bouquet, as well as a Chocolate oak profile. The wine is substantial, yet has a rich soft cream texture of mocha. Very elegant and full of ripe black fruit flavours of Blackberry and Blueberry. These fruit flavours are savoured in the lingering mouthwatering finish.

McPherson Wines Curious Shiraz 750ml

A rich, complex wine with mouth filling flavours of ripe plums, chocolate and spice, with a hint of toasty oak. Rich robust dishes match perfectly with this beautifully balanced Shiraz. Think slow cooked beef ribs with a rich tomato based sauce, pepperoni pizza or lamb curry.

McPherson Wines Don't Tell Gary Shiraz 750ml

In 2014, winemaker Jo Nash discovered an exceptional parcel of Shiraz which was gently crushed and then stored away in some ridiculously expensive French oak barrels to age for 12 months. This wine speaks for itself - minimal intervention, purity of fruit, Shiraz at its' best. This is a special occasion wine. Drink with like-minded wine lovers who enjoy sticking it to the man! Take a moment to admire the gorgeous colour of the wine, then it's a perfect match to charcuterie and cheese, char-grilled steak, or a meat pie.

McPherson Wines Jo Nash Shiraz 750ml

Every wine Jo makes has hours of her deliberations, considerations and yes, even palpitations, poured into every bottle on a never-ending hunt for perfection. This wine truly reflects aspects of who JO is - stylish, low key, minimalistic, authentic and of great character, strength and magnetism. Jo Nash Shiraz - Harmoniously balanced with brooding fruits and carefully integrated French oak, this wine offers intense blackberries and plums with a lingering spicy finish.

McPherson Wines Laneway Shiraz 750ml

Each bottle of McPherson Wines Laneway will be enjoyed in a unique environment and appreciated in a different way. The palate is rich, elegant and supple tannins with mulberry fruits and spicy pepper; all complemented by hints of French oak leading to a seamless finish. This wine is made with food in mind. Served in forward trending bars and cafes, this is a versatile, medium bodied wine that is perfect with modern street food, rich rustic pasta, ribs and burgers.

Metala White Label Shiraz 750ml

The iconic White Label collection are sourced from parcels of fruit throughout the Metala single vineyard and represent the power and expression of Langhorne Creek.

Mission Jewelstone Syrah 750ml

The wine has a floral spicy nose with very sweet ripe fruit elements. The palate has good fruit intensity, sweet tannins and a wonderful freshness in the mouth. The tannins dissolve leaving a lovely perfumed and savoury aftertaste on the finish.
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