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Wine Men Of Gotham Shiraz 750ml

The nose is heady with loads of superb rich chocolate and savoury notes. The palate is rich and defined with rich flavours and great mouth feel. The palate progresses from Chocolate, plums, spice, and toasty oak then to an elegant tannic finish.

Wither Hills Syrah 750ml

Established in 1994 and named after the landmark Wither Hills range that borders the vineyards, the Wither Hills expert team grow and craft expressive wines New Zealanders know and trust to represent quality. Wither Hills Hawke's Bay Syrah is crammed full of dark fruit, pepper, spice and floral notes an elegantly textured wine with seductive, lingering toasty oak. The essence of Hawke's Bay in a glass.

Wolf Blass Gold Label Regional Reserve Barossa Shiraz 750ml

A rich red wine with intense dark berry and blood-plum aromas, with a concentrated palate with bright fruit, plush tannis and integrated French oak.

Wolf Blass Red Label Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml


Yalumba Galway Shiraz 750ml

A generous nose of pepper, blackberry, choc mocha and vanilla tones, opening further with hints of liquorice, and violets. The savoury palate shows blood plums and sweet spice leading onto soft tannins.

Yalumba Paradox Shiraz 750ml

Deep crimson in colour with bright, brambly, berry aromas complemented by notes of cinnamon, black olive and pepper. A vibrant palate with loads of pomegranate and blackberry, it is silky and bright with fine, powdery tannins.

Yalumba Samuel's Collection Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Initial Shiraz aromas include ripe plum and cherry, followed by the leafy, cedary spice and red currant aromas of Cabernet Sauvignon. The palate is rich and very generous, yet soft and supple. Balanced flavours linger throughout the long finish.

Yalumba Y Series Shiraz 750ml

Cascading aromas of wild blackberries, ripe blueberries and Black Forest cake are framed by hints of Indian spices. Rich and ripe, this Y Series Shiraz is a glorious mouthfeel of South Australia with layers of ripe blackberries and Christmas cake on the palate, enveloped in soft, juicy, fully ripe tannins.
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