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Taylors Reserve Parcel Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Selected for their uniqueness of character and outstanding quality the Reserve Parcel wines represent the finest aspects of each vintage. This Cabernet Sauvignon displays ripe blackcurrant fruit characters and savoury, cedar oak characters from the oak maturation.

Taylors Reserve Parcel Shiraz 750ml

Selected for their uniqueness of character and outstanding quality the Reserve Parcel wines represent the finest aspects of each vintage. This Shiraz displays generous fruit flavours of plum and blackberry along with mocha coffee and subtle spice characters from the oak maturation.

Taylors St Andrews Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Complex and elegant, offering rich fruit characters of cassis and blackcurrant with earthy nuances. French oak giving hints of cedar and tobacco to finish.

Taylors St Andrews Shiraz 750ml

Enormously flavoursome with rich fruit characters of black cherry, plum and ripe berries. American oak adds nuances of vanilla, cigar box, coffee and toast.

Taylors The Visionary Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

This pinnacle release Cabernet Sauvignon is crafted from the very finest fruit selection and is entirely estate grown and bottled on the Taylor family estate in the Clare Valley, South Australia. Immediately approachable but will cellar well in ideal conditions for up to 20 years from vintage date.

Taylor's Vintage Port 2003 750ml

Rich purple, red in colour, with a vibrant rim. A nose of great purity opening on a note of lovely floral, aromatic blueberry and blackberry. The palate is concentrated with beautifully pure sweet fruit and a lovely spicy, savoury, silky tannic structure. Rock rose and violets, liquorice, black cherries and plums resonate in the mid palate leading to an interminable finish of rich, dark chocolate, kirsch and blackcurrants. Still armed with exceptional power, depth and purity of fruit, this seductive vintage port with its characteristic Taylor understatement and restraint is still very youthful, with decades of potential ahead.

Te Hera Estate Pinot Noir 750ml

The wine has a fine and elegant mouth feel. There are layers of flavour with the fruit in the berry and cherry spectrum. Savoury complexity and soft tannins support the sweet fruit to give a rich mid pallet. This wine offers typical Pinot Noir character at a brilliant price.

Te Kairanga John Martin Pinot Noir 750ml

The John Martin Pinot Noir is crafted from the best vineyard parcels. Intense spicy aromas are balanced by rich, dark fruits.

Te Kairanga Runholder Pinot Noir 750ml

Flavors of rich, dark cherries, spice, and hints of earthiness.

Te Kairanga Tk Pinot Gris 750ml

Full, rich, and smoothly textured, it offers aromas of lightly roasted cashews, pears, white peaches and a touch of quince. On the palate, a lovely even flow leads to a lingering finish with ripe pear, quince, nectarine and savoury flavours coming through in harmony.

Te Kairanga Tk Pinot Noir 750ml

Plum, cherry, and cedar aromas. The palate has a sweet fruit entry with subtle spiciness and soft, gentle tannins.

Te Kairanga Tk Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Harmonious, lifted aromas full of tropical fruits, melon and nectarine, balanced by floral and herbal notes.
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