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Giesen Estate Riesling 750ml

New Zealand's most popular Riesling! This best-seller consistently wins awards each vintage year. Enjoy striking notes of lime and mandarin and delicious, succulent, juicy sweetness. A vivacious Riesling with succulent citrus blossom, alluring lime and sweet mandarin with a delightfully crisp, refreshing off-dry finish. This Riesling brings together outstanding fruit from two of New Zealand's preeminent Riesling areas - Marlborough & Waipara. The fruit selected from Marlborough adds a textural element, richness, citrus flavours and ageability to the wine, while Waipara gives the fabulous floral aromatics.

Giesen Estate Riesling Blush 750ml

This Blush Riesling is a playfully versatile accessory for any gathering. The subtle berry flavours and hint of spice make it a perfect match for barbeques or antipasto platters, and the refreshing citrus flavours taste delicious just on their own! Share this wine while getting ready for a night out, take it along to your next BYO, or gift it to your bestie - the Estate Blush Riesling will add a touch of style to any moment.

Giesen Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Vibrant citrus and concentrated fruit on the palate, finishing crisp and bright.

Giesen Organic Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This organic Sauvignon Blanc exudes vibrant citrus flavour, delivered with length and complexity.

Gisselbrecht Pinot Gris 750ml

The Gisselbrecht family have been producing wine in Alsace for over 300 years. Their entry-level Pinot Gris delivers superbly rich and spicy restraint and delicacy that's hard to go past.

Gordon's Bay Regional Selection Pinot Gris 750ml

Reflecting the desired attributes in a top drinking Pinot Gris. Vibrant, light, youthful, fresh and delicious. Layers of classic pear and honey leading to a delicious lingers off-dry finish.

Gordon's Bay Regional Selection Rosé 750ml

Selecting only the finest vineyards across the world, Gordon's Bay captures the unique characteristics of traditional winemaking in every bottle.

Gordon's Bay Regional Selection Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This easy drinking Sauvignon Blanc has been made into a fuller style wine with excellent balance and acidity, allowing the fresh and tropical flavours to shine.

Graham Norton Rosé 750ml

The GN Rosé is exquisite pink in the glass with aromas of raspberry, strawberry and melons. The full bodied palate delivers all this and more! Its fresh, lively and impeccably balanced. Fabulous with your favourite BBQ dish and loves frites and seafood and any summer salad.

Graham Norton Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Tropically scented but with layers of sweet capsicum and floral lime zest rising from the glass initially. This is well backed up by a vibrant, zingy fresh palate with deceptive power and concentration. There is a creaminess to the palate from time on lees that adds a textural dimension, which is in great balance with the driving tropical fruit.

Grant Burge Pink Ink Dry Rosé 750ml

Vibrant Red with pink hues. Intense nose with red and white fruits such as cherry, raspberry, dewberry and white peach backed up by a lovely floral bouquet. Delicate but dense sweet fruits with a creamy texture stand out on the mouth. Tones of cherry and almond blossom with wild red fruits such as boysenberry and dewberry balanced by fine acidity turn it into an elegant and easy drinking wine.

Greasy Fingers Chardonnay 750ml

A rich and complex wine that displays intense ripe nectarine and subtle tropical fruit notes complemented by creamy, toasty oak highlights.
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