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Remarkable Cream Butterscotch 700ml

A remarkably delicious blend of NZ fresh cream, butterscotch, and exceptionally smooth milk vodka - simply unrivalled. Remarkable Cream is a family business that produces a New Zealand alternative to Irish Cream Liqueurs. Their recipe showcases the best of NZ's dairy products: fresh cream and high-quality milk Vodka. Inspired by the distinctive toffee from New Zealand's favourite cookbook - The original Butterscotch is truly world-class, balancing sweetness and flavour - while enabling the fresh cream and milk vodka to really shine. The Remarkable Cream recipe has more fresh cream and less sugar than other international liqueur brands.

Remarkable Cream Dark Chocolate 250ml

New Zealand's answer to the quest for the best chocolate cream liqueur. Made with less sugar, more cream, and real-origin cocoa, Remarkable Cream's Dark Chocolate is eminently drinkable delivering mass appeal and appreciation by chocolate connoisseurs. Showcasing the best of New Zealand's fresh cream and high-quality milk vodka, mixed with the rich and pungent yet smooth flavour that only comes with real dark chocolate, this is a super smooth and silky chocolate liqueur.

Remarkable Cream Dark Chocolate 700ml

New Zealand's answer to the quest for the best chocolate cream liqueur. Made with less sugar, more cream, and real-origin cocoa, Remarkable Cream's Dark Chocolate is eminently drinkable delivering mass appeal and appreciation by chocolate connoisseurs. Showcasing the best of New Zealand's fresh cream and high-quality milk vodka, mixed with the rich and pungent yet smooth flavour that only comes with real dark chocolate, this is a super smooth and silky chocolate liqueur.

Remarkable Cream Raspberry & White Chocolate 700ml

Melted NZ White Chocolate meets fresh Whanganui Raspberries. These two ingredients have been expertly combined with fresh cream and triple-distilled vodka to bring you an indulgence that is less sweet on the palate while being every bit as rich and delicious as one could wish for. Remarkable sought out the best berries and white chocolate they could source locally to give it the authentic flavour that only real ingredients can bring.

Remarkable Cream Rum Coffee Vanilla 250ml

Introducing Remarkable Cream Rum and Coffee flavoured Cream Liqueur - an expertly blended concoction that will bring you a remarkable taste experience with hints of fruity sweet Rum followed by a satisfying coffee flavour with just a hint of vanilla at the end. Whether you're looking to unwind after dinner or enjoy it with friends over conversation - whatever the occasion, this creamy liqueur is perfect for all occasions. Treat yourself (or someone special) and impress your friends by introducing them to this one-of-a-kind creamy drink or make it part of your nightcap ritual.

Remarkable Cream Rum Coffee Vanilla 700ml

Introducing Remarkable Cream Rum and Coffee flavoured Cream Liqueur - an expertly blended concoction that will bring you a remarkable taste experience with hints of fruity sweet Rum followed by a satisfying coffee flavour with just a hint of vanilla at the end. Whether you're looking to unwind after dinner or enjoy it with friends over conversation - whatever the occasion, this creamy liqueur is perfect for all occasions. Treat yourself (or someone special) and impress your friends by introducing them to this one-of-a-kind creamy drink or make it part of your nightcap ritual.

Rose Rabbit Barrel Aged Cherry Liqueur 750ml

Introducing Barrel Aged Rose Rabbit Cherry Liqueur. This decadent limited release Barrel-Aged Cherry Liqueur has been matured for 10 months in five American Oak Barrels to give a rich, rounded spirit. Exquisite sipped neat, or mixed into a crafted cocktail. Full frontal cherry, complemented by vanilla and coconut. Sweet at the front, the oak adds depth to the mid palate and finish, with notes of currant and milk chocolate. Central Otago Cherries. Small Batch. Big Flavour.

Rose Rabbit Butterscotch Liqueur 750ml

Small batch and hand-crafted from a secret family recipe, Rose Rabbit Butterscotch Liqueur is decadently sweet, with toasty, buttery notes married with robust Cardrona Single Malt.

Rose Rabbit Orange Liqueur 750ml

Rose Rabbit orange liqueur is hand-made with only the very best of natural ingredients. Soaked delicious New Zealand orange peel in Cardrona's own rich, un-aged Single Malt Spirit. Perfect neat, over ice or mixed into a classic cocktail.

Saint Brendan's Irish Cream Liqueur 750ml

Saint Brendan's is a rich, indulgent treat that's a delightful blend of award-winning The Quiet Man Irish Whiskey and all-natural cream. Smooth and creamy, with notes of vanilla, marshmallow, chocolate and a touch of spice. Authentically Irish, Simply Delicious.

Santa Marta Amaretto 500ml

This amaretto is a classic Italian liqueur made from macerated roasted cocoa beans, vanilla pods, apricot kernels, bitter almonds, sweet orange zest and orange blossom in water and alcohol. After a short fermentation this infusion is distilled and mixed with a sugar syrup and more alcohol.

Santa Marta Caffé Espresso 500ml

Coffee liqueurs are produced globally, but Espresso Liqueurs are intrinsically Italian. The Espresso was born during the 1884 Exhibition in Piemonte. Santa Marta's rapid extraction exalts and concentrates the aromas and fragrance of the coffee. The nose is alluring, with notes of espresso, roasted aromas, and hints of vanilla. The palate is rich with espresso coffee flavour and a sweet aftertaste. Perfect with ice cream, sorbet, and tiramisu. Excellent in mixed cocktails.
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