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St Huberts The Stag Tempranillo Shiraz 750ml

A blend of 50% Tempranillo - Spain's most famous grape variety, 43% Shiraz - the workhorse of Australian reds, a dab of Grenache in the mix. Full bodied and supple with cherry and chocolate flavours at the fore, underpinned by notes of liquorice and savoury spice, held together with silky Tempranillo tannins.

The Butcher's Cellar Malbec 750ml

The Butcher's Cellar is a range of wines that will match perfectly with your favourite cuts. Whether it's steak, BBQ ribs or chicken, they've taken the guess work out, and developed the perfect wine that will match all your favourite cuts. Indulge yourself and your guests to a bloody good experience.

Torres Sangre de Toro Garnacha Carinena 750ml

Dark cherry red color. Exquisite red fruit (strawberry) aroma with a spicy note (black pepper). Warm and firm on the palate, with delicate acidity.

Torres Sangre de Toro Tempranillo 750ml

Dark cherry red in colour. Exquisite strawberry aroma with a spicy black pepper note. Warm and firm on the palate with delicate acidity.

Trinity Hill Gimblett Gravels Tempranillo 750ml

The wine shows attractive brambly, blackberry-like ripe fruits along with spicy and exotic complexity. The palate is rich and textural with salivating soft tannins.

Villefranche Château Graves 13 750ml

Dry red wine from the Graves AOC. This is a rich, ripe wine with dark plum, spice and woody notes on the nose. The palate is very concentrated and is defined by its ripe red fruits and smoky intensity.

Yalumba Y Series Temp 750ml

Bright crimson in colour. The glass is full of raspberry, blueberry and cherry aromas with a touch of wild fennel. A vibrant palate of pomegranate and raspberry flavours with a fresh tannin finish
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